About the Project

Polkassembly is an open-source platform for anyone to discover and participate in Substrate-based chain governance. You can browse proposals made on-chain, discuss with the community and vote directly from the website using a browser extension. Proposal authors are the only ones able to edit the proposal post and description. The team has extensive experience in Substrate and Web 3.0 development.

About the Integration

This integration provides Moonbeam users with a user-friendly interface for viewing and tracking ongoing on-chain governance proposals. Polkassembly currently supports Moonbeamโ€™s TestNet, Moonbase Alpha, and will expand its support to Moonriver and Moonbeam in the future.

Polkassembly is a platform for anyone to discover and participate in Polkadot and Kusama governance and is now expanding its services to prominent parachains on Polkadot, such as Moonbeam. This integration will allow Moonbeam users to browse proposals made on-chain, discuss them with the community, and vote directly from the Polkassembly website using a browser extension. This is another step forward into user-friendly interfaces that facilitate the adoption of proposals to advance Web3.

This integration will make on-chain governance more approachable and accessible. Through the web-based interface, both Moonbeam token holders and community members will be able to keep track of discussions around new referenda in a more user-friendly way. These motions and elections include topics that could drastically improve or change the network, including software upgrades to the Moonbeam protocol itself.