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Champion the Moonbeam movement

As a Moonbeam Ambassador, you'll carry the torch of seamless web3 experiences and multi-chain connectivity, sharing knowledge and bringing new users into the fold. Apply now and join a network of leaders.

Go to /community/ambassador/apply page to Apply Now

Why become an ambassador?

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Why become an ambassador?

  • Represent Moonbeam’s pioneering spirit and showcase the power of seamless ecosystem integration.
  • Ignite discussions, facilitate knowledge-sharing, and inspire innovation within and beyond the community.
  • Receive the latest insights from the Moonbeam team and influence the network’s evolution.

Your role and impact

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Your role and impact

Content creation

Craft blogs, guides, and tutorials that demystify web3 technology.

Your role and impact

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Your role and impact

Event leadership

Spearhead meetups and webinars, spreading the word and widening our network.

Your role and impact

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Your role and impact

Community Support

Engage with online forums, providing support and fostering a collaborative environment.

Your role and impact

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Your role and impact

Regional Representation

Be the face of Moonbeam in your locality, tailoring the message to resonate across cultures.

Path to ambassadorship

Step 01

Connect with us and express your passion for the web3 future.


Step 02

Show your commitment through active participation and contribution.


Step 03

Once you're an ambassador, the sky’s the limit. Gain recognition, exclusive perks, and grow with us.