About the Project

Figment is an established validator on Proof of Stake networks and provider of widely-used DevOps tools and infrastructure. They are also the creators of the Hubble staking application.

Hubble gives end-users visibility into staking opportunities across a range of the most widely adopted Proof of Stake networks, offering key information like validator uptime, commission, and stake history.

About the Integration

This integration brings the Hubble dashboard to Moonbeam and Moonriver, creating a more intuitive staking experience for users by giving a new way to easily view staking opportunities, review performance data, and nominate collators. Moonbeam will be Hubbleโ€™s first parachain integration in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems.

The Hubble interface offers a significantly more user-friendly staking experience than Polkadot.js, which benefits both nominators and collators. Nominators are able to quickly access information about the collators in the active set, review their performance levels, and immediately stake/unstake directly from the Hubble interface. Collators can easily track their network statistics, receive active alerts to notify when notable network events are happening, and use this information to improve services as needed.