About the Project

Crifferent offers reliable and secure staking services made in Germany. Combining professionals from IT, marketing, and finance, they evaluate the best projects and offer services to its full extent.

They have 10+ years of experience in IT and development combined, with 8 years of expertise in the crypto markets.

Support and customer satisfaction are their main goals and you can hit them up anytime!

Crifferent Moonriver Collator Address: 0x693aB260de2a31c1B5D7DC9cb253B87eD9b1f385

Crifferent Moonebeam Collator Address: 0x10023fA70Ed528E4F28915bf210f6e87b057c08E

How to Become a Collator

Collators serve a critical role on the Moonbeam and Moonriver networks by producing blocks and maintaining the network. A decentralized set of collators is a priority for both parachains, since it’s important to maintaining the integrity of the network in Moonbeam’s DPoS system. Learn how you can spin up a node and join the network as a collator.