Take Flight - Moonbeam Community Event
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Take Flight Event Details
Highlights of the Upcoming Event
To support the launch of the Moonbeam Network, the Moonbeam Foundation has created Take Flight, a token event for the Moonbeam community. This event aims to thank the Moonbeam community for its help and allocate Glimmer (GLMR) tokensGo to page https://moonbeam.foundation/glimmer-token-tokenomics to loyal supporters.
Tokens Allocated for Event
80,000,000 GLMR (8% of the initial supply)
Start Date
September 7, 2021 at 3:00pm UTC
Three sequential rounds (details below)
Fixed Price
$0.25 USD per GLMR
40 days from full Moonbeam network launch (balance transfers & EVM enabled)
Min/Max Contribution
$500 min/$2500 max per round**
Accepted Tokens
USDT, USDC, ETH (ERC-20s only)
Users must meet eligibility requirements. U.S. residents and citizens are not eligible to participate.
A link will be sent to eligible participants via email
* Subject to change. The Moonbeam Foundation will update the website with any changes prior to the start of the event. Please see the recent announcementGo to page https://moonbeam.network/news/moonbeam-foundation-announces-liquidity-programs-a-new-token-event-and-glmr-redenomination outlining the network’s milestone schedule for the rest of 2021.
** No reimbursements are available for over or underpayment.
How to Participate in Take Flight
Take Flight is a community-exclusive event and will consist of three sequential rounds over a period of days. As such, all three rounds will require a whitelist to participate. The whitelist for the event has closed. Review the round information below to see when each round begins.

Refunds and Reimbursement
Individuals who send a payment that is less than the individual minimum required amount (<$500) or more than the individual maximum per round (>$2,500) are not entitled to a refund. Any refunds given are at the sole discretion of the Moonbeam Foundation.
Amounts given under the individual minimum and over the individual maximum will be sent to the Moonbeam Treasury.
In addition, individuals who send a payment less than the individual minimum required will not be entitled to any GLMR tokens.
Not Eligible
Please note that residents or citizens of a country the laws of which prohibit or conflict with the holding, sale, or trading of tokens are unfortunately not eligible to participate. Such countries include (without limitation):
- United States of America
(including Territories and possessions, any state of the US, and Washington D.C.) - Canada
- People’s Republic of China
- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
- Cuba
- Syria
- Iran
- Sudan
- People’s Republic of Crimea Region of Ukraine
Identity Verification
All whitelisted participants must pass identity verification before participating in the Take Flight event. As part of this identity verification, you will need to provide a photo (not a scan) of your passport or your National Identity Card, depending on the country. Please check the list of supported documentsGo to page https://onfido.com/supported-documents/ for identity verification here. Please note that driver’s licenses will not be accepted for the Take Flight identity verification. Please register and complete identity verification by Aug 31, 2021 at 11pm UTC to ensure your information is processed by the time the event begins.
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Whitelist
When you say "community members," who does that include?
We are incredibly grateful to have such a strong community. As of right now, the following community groups are included in the whitelist:
Round One: Moonriver direct crowdloan participants, Moonriver crowdloan participants from KuCoin, Ambassadors and Senior Ambassadors, Moonbeam PolkaPet holders, and other key project supporters
Round Two: Moonbeam Telegram and Discord members, plus community members from Round One
We may adjust or expand eligibility as needed, based on demand.
I was a member of Telegram or Discord but I was kicked out. Am I eligible?
We will evaluate these instances on a case-by-case basis. Email takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundationGo to page takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation with additional information. Please include the date you were removed from Telegram or Discord.
The DApps/bots/other whitelist method isn't working. What do I do?
Please double-check that you followed the instructions provided. If you’re still unable to complete a verification method, please email us with screenshots of the issue: takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundationGo to page takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation.
What is the cutoff for membership in one of these community groups?
You must have been a member of one of these groups as of August 13, 2021 at 12:00pm UTC. You are welcome to join Discord, Telegram, and our other community groups after this date, but it will not grant you access to the whitelist.
If I participate in Round One (Early Access), can I also participate in Round Two (Community General) and Round Three?
Yes, participants from an earlier round can also participate in later rounds.
Can Moonbeam PolkaPet holders in non-eligible countries participate in the event?
No. All participants will need to meet eligibility requirements, regardless of which group they are in.
If I meet two criteria for Round One (for example, holding a Moonbeam PolkaPet and being an Ambassador), do I get anything extra?
No. Even if you qualify for the whitelist in multiple ways, you will not get a double allocation or any special treatment. Everyone in Round One will get the same access while participating in the event.
Will there be a maximum number of tokens I can buy?
Yes. In order to ensure as fair a distribution of tokens as possible, there will be maximum contribution amounts.
Take Flight Registration and Identity Verification
When should I register?
Register as soon as possible once you receive registration details via email. No announced end date to registration.
What is the date to complete identity verification?
Please register and complete identity verification by Aug 31, 2021 at 11pm UTC to ensure your information is processed by the time the event begins.
What if I already have a Tokensoft account?
You can use your old email login and password. Note: this needs to be the same email you whitelisted for Take Flight in order to proceed through the identity verification process.
How can I participate with a new Tokensoft account?
Once you verify your email address, you can proceed through the identity verification process. Note: once you register and verify your email (or log in for old users), there will be a queue to get into the platform to complete identity verification. This queue will show you your place in line and the estimated wait time.
What do I need to register and complete identity verification?
- Whitelisted email
- Identity information
- Valid Government ID (passport and/or National Identity Card)
Important factors to know for Identity verification
Make sure the information you submit throughout this process is correct and complete. You will not be able to make changes once you submit your information for verification.
- Types of information you will to submit:
- Full name
- Address
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Government ID. Please check this https://onfido.com/supported-documents/Go to page https://onfido.com/supported-documents/ for a list of accepted Government IDs. (see below common ID issues to avoid)
- Provide Front and Back
- Scans and photocopies are not accepted, just photos, please!
- Note that Take Flight will not accept Driver’s Licenses.
- Selfie
Common ID issues to avoid
Make sure:
- The information on your ID matches the information you used to register (such as your name and/or date of birth)
- Your ID is not expired
- Your ID is not a driver’s license and is supported by Onfido for your specific country. Please see a list of supported docs is found here: https://onfido.com/supported-documents/Go to page https://onfido.com/supported-documents/
- Your ID is a photo and not a scan or photocopy
- The photo of your ID is not unreadable due to glare, blur, part of the image was cut off or information on the image was covered
How long does identity verification take?
It depends, it could take less than a minute or it could take a couple of days. Please be patient while your information is reviewed. You will be notified once your status has been finalized. You will be contacted if there are any issues with your document.
Need more help?
Contact takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation
I was able to register but get a notice on the website that I am not a verified community member (i.e. cannot proceed to identity verification)
This means you are not on the whitelist, if you think this is in error and you submitted the email you logged in with to Take Flight for the whitelist, please contact takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation
I was whitelisted with a different email than the one I previously registered in Tokensoft.
The account must match your whitelisted email address. You need to create a new account with the whitelisted email and complete identity verification.
I previously completed identity verification in Tokensoft for a different event. Do I need to complete it again?
Yes, you need to complete the identity verification process again.
Technical Support
The Crowdloan / PolkaPet DApps and, or Telegram / Discord aren’t working.
Sorry for this inconvenience. Please make sure you are following the steps on how to whitelist.
- For additional information on how to submit your email for the whitelist on Telegram, please see this tutorial.
- For additional information on how to submit your email for the whitelist on Discord, please see https://moonbeam.foundation/news/take-flight/#round-twoGo to page https://moonbeam.foundation/news/take-flight/#round-two
- For additional information on how to submit your email for the whitelist through the Crowdloan DApp, please see this tutorial.Go to page https://moonbeam.network/tutorials/whitelist-crowdloan
If it still isn’t working, please reach out to us at takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation with screenshots of the issue.
What should I do if I forget my Tokensoft password?
You can reset your password here: https://takeflight.moonbeam.foundation/forgotten-passwordGo to page https://takeflight.moonbeam.foundation/forgotten-password. If that doesn’t work and you still can’t log in, send us an email at takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation.
I can’t complete the identity verification. I get a “lost connection” error.
Please send an email to takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation
I am experiencing technical difficulties with my registration.
Please send an email to takeflight-help@moonbeam.foundation
General Questions
How can I get the GLMR token?
There will be a couple of ways in the coming months that you may be able to get the GLMR token :
- If you are a community member whitelisted for the Take Flight event. This event is scheduled to start on September 7, 2021
- The Moonbeam crowdloan. The Moonbeam Foundation will launch the Moonbeam crowdloan campaign when Parity announces the start of the parachain auctions on Polkadot. Stay tuned for updated information on rewards and timing.
- Once Moonbeam launches on Polkadot, 8% of GLMR is allocated to Liquidity Programs.
- Once the Glimmer token is available in exchanges.
What payments will be accepted?
Who is the Moonbeam Foundation’s technology partner for the event?
Tokensoft, IncGo to page https://www.tokensoft.io/ is the technology provider for Take Flight.
Why are US residents and citizens not eligible to participate?
The Moonbeam Foundation is following the advice of counsel in excluding a resident and citizen of a country, the laws of which prohibit or conflict with the holding, sale, or trading of tokens from participating in the crowdloan. For additional information on eligibility please see Take Flight eligibility.
Can I participate if I am a resident from or citizen of Hong Kong or Taiwan?
Yes, residents and citizens from Hong & Taiwan are eligible to participate.
About the Project
Why did GLMR token distribution for Take Flight decrease from 16% to 8%?
We shifted 8% (of the 16% previously allocated) from a token event to run liquidity programs on Moonbeam. As we have engaged further with different teams in our ecosystem, it became increasingly clear that shifting 8% of the allocation earmarked for a token event to form liquidity incentives would fuel the growth of the Moonbeam network while still ensuring GLMR is distributed to the builders, users and community of Moonbeam.
Why did the Moonbeam Foundation decide to redenominate the GLMR token?
The GLMR token has been redenominated from 10 million to 1 billion initial genesis supply, in the same way that DOT was redenominated before the Polkadot network launch. This is largely being done to mirror the 100x difference between Kusama and Polkadot’s token supplies, which makes it easier to understand the tokenomics of GLMR. The tokenomics and ownership, including the 5% annual inflation rate, remain the same.
How can there be 80M tokens allocated for the Take Flight event? I thought the total supply was 10M?
80M is 8% of the genesis supply after the 100x redenomination of GLMRGo to page https://moonbeam.foundation/glimmer-token-tokenomics from a 10M to a 1B genesis supply.
Will there also be a crowdloan for the Moonbeam network?
Yes, the Moonbeam Foundation will run a crowdloan campaign once parachain auctions commence on Polkadot. Rewards and other details about the crowdloan are still TBD.