We have many announcements and upcoming events to share with you.
Let’s get started!
Moonbase Alpha TestNet v3 Adds Unified Ethereum Accounts
We introduced a significant upgrade to our Moonbase Alpha TestNet: Unified Accounts. Announced todayGo to page https://www.purestake.com/news/moonbeam-network-upgrades-account-structure-to-match-ethereum/, it incorporates a significant account system update that will substantially simplify the experience for Ethereum devs and token holders that use Moonbeam.
Unified Accounts enhances the user experience by changing Moonbeam’s underlying account structure of the platform to match current Ethereum standards. It allows users not to have to manage two addresses and private keys, which is often the case with other platforms.
This is yet another example of how Moonbeam is going above-and-beyond with our approach to Ethereum compatibility: by adding customizations that aren’t included in a standard EVM implementation, we’ve been able to create a specialized parachain with an unmatched experience for Ethereum users.
Users will now be able to use a single Ethereum-like account and its associated private key to interact with dApps and protocols implemented in Moonbeam EVM. At the same time, Ethereum devs and token holders will be able to use the same Ethereum-like account for Substrate-based actions such as on-chain staking and on-chain governance.
Today’s update should eliminate the confusion and security risks that come with handling two private keys.
Moonbeam Truffle Box
Earlier this month, we released the Moonbeam Truffle BoxGo to page https://github.com/moonbeam-foundation/moonbeam-truffle-box, a standard configuration in Truffle that developers can use to extend their project to Moonbeam quickly. With this new release, Ethereum developers can easily implement Moonbeam’s smart contracts, opening up new user experiences and assets.
For those unfamiliar with Truffle, it is one of the most popular development tools on Ethereum, and Truffle Boxes are preconfigured packages that help reduce the time it takes to create and deploy code on supported networks.
Moonbeam Truffle plugin
Moonbeam Truffle Box has also incorporated the Moonbeam Truffle plugin, a quick and easy solution to start developing in local environments.
Click hereGo to page https://docs.moonbeam.network/integrations/trufflebox/ to learn more about the Moonbeam Truffle box and how to get started!
Moonbeam and KILT Protocol work together on Polimec
Two weeks ago, KILT Protocol announcedGo to page https://kilt-protocol.medium.com/kilt-protocol-collaborates-with-moonbeam-to-work-together-on-polimec-d79929b07e13 a collaboration with the Moonbeam team on Polimec, a Polkadot liquidity mechanism.
For those unfamiliar with Polimec, it will be a fundraising mechanism for the Polkadot ecosystem and allow the issuance and transfer of multiple cryptocurrencies directly on a dedicated blockchain.
Polimec blockchain is also Substrate-based, which means other Substrate-based blockchains can use it to issue tokens and make them available to the market even before their network goes live. In this way, Polimec serves a similar purpose for the Polkadot ecosystem as the ERC-20 contracts do for the Ethereum ecosystem. Through this addition, issuers could build coin offerings and the issuance of currencies to be as complex as needed, while also reusing the Solidity code of existing coin offering projects by utilizing Moonbeam.
Moonbeam in The Media
We want to share with you some articles that were recently published and talk about Moonbeam, our purpose, and what is coming up next!
COIN TELEGRAPH | This Project Wants To Recreate Ethereum On PolkadotGo to page https://cointelegraph.com/news/this-project-wants-to-recreate-ethereum-on-polkadot
See all the latest news, information, and technical releases for the Moonbeam project at https://moonbeam.network/news/Go to page https://moonbeam.network/news
Upcoming Events
These are the upcoming events we’ll be speaking and demonstrating Moonbeam.
Encode Hack Club: November 9, 2020 — January 24, 2021
Encode Hack Club is a 10-week blockchain hackathon aimed at universities and hackers.
Registration started on Monday, November 9
Virtual Polkadot Ecosystem Meetup: Tuesday, November 24
Derek Yoo, our CEO, will be talking about Moonbeam and the success of the project.
Register for free at https://www.crowdcast.io/e/polkadot-moonbeam-litentryGo to page https://www.crowdcast.io/e/polkadot-moonbeam-litentry
Polkadot Decoded: Thursday, December 3
Derek Yoo, our CEO, will talk about “Moonbeam and Our Multi-Chain Future: An Evolution Toward Specialization and Interconnectivity.” Register for free at https://decoded.polkadot.network/Go to page https://polkadot.network/ecosystem/events/decoded-2023/
That’s it for this month! As always, you can keep in touch via DiscordGo to page https://discord.com/invite/9RYqehSWRv?utm_campaign=Moonbeam+Monthly+Updates&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--sog-hlyHEhG9qnWRhR6C6O-rrGdAh0HM5UW5nGAtHbj6bkp1qSNTbuuoeUMKCiFJDCS9n, TwitterGo to page https://x.com/moonbeamnetwork?utm_campaign=Moonbeam+Monthly+Updates&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--sog-hlyHEhG9qnWRhR6C6O-rrGdAh0HM5UW5nGAtHbj6bkp1qSNTbuuoeUMKCiFJDCS9n, or our email newsletterGo to page https://moonbeam.network/newsletter.