Carbify Makes Carbon Offsetting Trackable, Transparent and Transformative

- Carbify makes the fight against climate change trackable, transparent and transformative thanks to its RWA focus and blockchain technology.
- Carbify’s ‘NFTrees’ are a world-leading innovation that tokenizes reforestation, bringing it on-chain and rewarding users.
- The carbon credit system has been manipulated and mis-matched for decades now. Carbify’s carbon debit system fixes it.
- Carbidash and tailor-made dashboards make tracking the carbon offsetting process easy for individuals and institutions.
Measuring Environmental Impact With RWA and Carbify
The current carbon credit system is broken. CarbifyGo to page is here to fix it with their carbon offsetting RWA solution built on Moonbeam.
It’s 2024, yet the fight against climate change is still using outdated methods, tools and technology. The carbon credits system is often manipulated thanks to corporate fraud, double counting and a widespread lack of transparency.
Carbify has created an accessible and intuitive platform for companies and individuals to measure their effectiveness in reducing their carbon footprint.
No more cheating the system. No more double counting emissions. No more greenwashing.
Carbon Offsetting Is Broken While Deforestation Destroys the Amazon
Brazil and Angola’s Amazon rainforest absorbs a huge amount of carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere. But it has lost more than 17% of its surface area over the last half century thanks to deforestation, illegal logging, mining and land clearing.
Deforestation not only reduces the Amazon’s capacity to clean CO2 from the air, but it also directly contributes to carbon emissions - when trees are removed their stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere, adding to greenhouse gasses and global warming.

Carbify is on a mission to replant the Amazon and support its communities, giving companies the chance to offset their carbon footprint with 100% transparency, powered by blockchain technology on Moonbeam.” — William ten Zijthoff, Co-Founder, Carbify
These problems are further exacerbated by an opaque and easily manipulated carbon credits system. Carbon credits are a way for companies to offset their carbon emissions by purchasing credits from projects that reduce carbon from the earth’s atmosphere. Unfortunately, significant flaws in the system allow bad actors to double count and double spend credits compounding the lack of transparency and accountability.
Environmental Impact Guaranteed by the Blockchain
Carbify founders Jaam Harmsma and William ten Zijthoff wanted to address the flaws in today’s approach to measuring environmental impact and carbon offsetting. Through the transparent and scalable nature of blockchain technology, their real-world asset (RWA) based solution is open, trackable and verifiable.
This tackles the issues of double spending and double counting head on. Thanks to Carbify building on Moonbeam’s decentralized network, each transaction is transparent, traceable and can’t be edited or deleted without the network’s consensus.
And with full Ethereum compatibility combined with sharing Polkadot's security and cross-chain interoperability, it made Moonbeam the clear choice for Carbify’s foundational layer.
Carbify’s approach predominantly revolves around their innovative NFTrees.
NFTrees Tokenize the Amazon Rainforest
Carbify are bringing the Amazon Rainforest on-chain through their cutting edge NFTrees. These Non-Fungible Tokens represent real trees in the Amazon. Institutions and individuals alike can purchase trees and track their environmental impact on a personalized dashboard.

By holding NFTrees, users earn $aCO2 tokens that represent the CO2 absorbed by the corresponding trees. By holding $aCO2 tokens, users can 'offset' the carbon emissions they produce by taking custody over actual trees in the rainforest and ensuring they continue to grow, thrive, and remove carbon from the atmosphere.
NFTs make it impossible to double-count carbon credits. Each $aCO2 token is tied to a specific tree, with its coordinates documented on-chain. This, combined with the fixed nature of $aCO2 tokens, means the same tree cannot be sold to multiple owners.
When an $aCO2 token is traded or transferred, the transaction is recorded on Moonbeam’s blockchain and validated by the network, ensuring that each credit can only be used once.
Agroforestry and Blockchain for Good
Carbify plants agroforestry systems in the Amazon, with over 60,000 systems and 3 million trees planted to date. The main tree in each system is geotagged and recorded on the blockchain, making carbon offsetting simple, measurable, and therefore far more effective.

Environmental Impact Made Possible by Moonbeam’s RWA
Thanks to Moonbeam's Ethereum compatibility—including full support for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Web3 APIs—and its status as a parachain leveraging Polkadot's shared security and cross-chain interoperability, Moonbeam was the ideal foundation for Carbify to build its real-world environmental solution.
Moonbeam’s infrastructure includes several distinct advantages for RWA-based projects:
- Moonbeam’s Ethereum compatibility means seamless integration with existing EVM tools and other platforms.
- Cross-chain interoperability allows for connections between networks and more potential reach for RWA projects like Carbify.
- Moonbeam’s batch precompile contract allows developers to combine multiple EVM calls into one so users can approve and swap in a single call.
- As an original parachain of Polkadot, Moonbeam benefits from the industry-leading security of Polkadot and is further secured by their relay chain validator set.
Carbify’s Carbidash Portal Built on Moonbeam
Carbidash is a user-friendly platform tailor-made for managing NFTrees and offers full transparency, immutable proof of ownership, and real-time tracking of the initiative's environmental impact.
Users can monitor their NFTrees, $aCO2 earnings, and their carbon offset progress, enhancing engagement and encouraging further usage. By leveraging Moonbeam’s infrastructure, Carbidash bridges Web3 and Web2, making it quick and easy for businesses without a deep understanding of blockchain technology to participate..
As well as superior technical capabilities, Moonbeam has provided unwavering partnership and support. The Moonbeam team and their broader community have been incredibly welcoming and have helped Carbify navigate challenges and scale efficiently. This partnership has been essential in powering Carbify’s vision and ensuring success.
Moonbeam’s technical solution is superior to the others, providing us with the unique opportunity to utilize them as a hub for our on-chain tree accounting. The support from their team has been outstanding, making this collaboration smooth and impactful." — William ten Zijthoff, Co-Founder, Carbify