About the Project

Etherscan is the leading Blockchain Explorer, Search, API, and Analytics Platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform. Built and launched in 2015 it is one of the earliest and longest-running independent projects built around Ethereum and its community with the mission of providing equitable access to blockchain data.

About the Integration

Moonscan brings the most widely-used EVM compatible block explorer to Moonriver and Moonbeam. This instance of Etherscan (on Moonbase Alpha, Moonriver, and Moonbeam) leverages Etherscanโ€™s comprehensive feature set and unmatched reliability.

Through Moonscan, users and developers have access to developer tools and network statistics that provide granular insights into the EVM of Moonriver and Moonbeam. Developers can see a broad range of statistics and charts related to smart contract execution, collator data, specific transfers between tokens, and a list of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens on Moonriver and Moonbeam. Users can also view transactions and individual blocks.

More importantly, developers can now verify their smart contracts. Smart contract verification is a critical capability for EVM-based blockchains. Verification is the way that developers can publish what contracts on the blockchain are actually doing. It allows end users to inspect contracts before they interact with them. This is particularly important when it comes to permissionless environments like Moonbeam. Anyone can deploy smart contracts to Moonbeam, so having the tools to verify what those contracts are doing is a very important part of security and safety onchain. Moonscan will also have a smart contract comparison tool to analyze the differences between contracts.

Last but not least, Moonscan also provides a set of developer-oriented APIs on Moonriver and Moonbeam. These APIs are REST-based and provide a simple and elegant alternative to the public node RPC-based APIs that are currently available. Developers can use the APIs as an alternative way to get at Ethereum logs and other data efficiently due to the indexed data stores that power Moonscan.

Through this partnership with Subscan, developers and users will gain a more detailed view of what is happening on the network, including block production, transfers, extrinsics, and other Substrate-specific information related to staking and governance. Long-term, the Moonbeam, and Subscan teams will work together to deepen support for EVM-compatible features like those on Moonbeam.