About the Project

TrueStaking is a group of engineers dedicated to creating fast, secure, and dependable validation nodes that support the future of web 3.0. Their goal is to equip investors with the highest returns in secure positions.

TrueStaking Moonriver Collator Address: 0x0E72A8362D28650dA72864b1cf00F6A5270cD585

TrueStaking Moonbeam Collator Address: 0xd9FFaB42F9a2De10C2c920eB8D333e01CD5FB4a6

How to Become a Collator

Collators serve a critical role on the Moonbeam and Moonriver networks by producing blocks and maintaining the network. A decentralized set of collators is a priority for both parachains, since it’s important to maintain the integrity of the network in Moonbeam’s DPoS system. Learn how you can spin up a node and join the network as a collator.